Tool Inventory Software - Base Package

Production Resources & Tools Library

WinTool is an industry-proven relational database with three main tables for components (items), assemblies, and lists in addition to sub-tables for work materials, cutting conditions, tool manufacturer catalogs, user permissions etc. The Base Package is loaded with a complete graphics package for 2D / 3D modeling, a fully automated tool assembly engine, report generator and tool data import features (BMG, ISO 13399, DIN4000) as well as unlimited viewer licenses.

WinTool Integration CAM

Do you have questions about tool and data management with WinTool? Make an appointment with us!

Integration CAM

Using accurate tool data in your CAM system

NC programmers have direct access to the centrally stored WinTool tool library from their CAM systems. Within seconds, suitable tools (with correct cutting data) for the program are found and brought in to your familiar CAM environment. The automatically created 3D model, interfering edges and adjustment settings are correctly transferred and taken into account. In addition, the WinTool CAM interface saves a tool list to be used with the finished NC-Program on the shop floor.

To Presetter Integration 

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creo 3D CAD /CAM/CAE Software von PTC
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[Translate to English:] GibbsCAM